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Lianne McCafferty - The MC/IC Axis & Your Life Journey

Lianne McCafferty - The MC/IC Axis & Your Life Journey


SYNCHRONICITY UNIVERSITY  - Speaker Series March 2024


4.- Lianne McCafferty - The MC/IC Axis and Your Life Journey – Saturday, March 23, 2024, 2:00pm EST

From our earliest conditioning to where we supposedly spread our wings and soar, this axis is traditionally associated with Cancer & Capricorn, hence often called the parental axis. It is a core structure in the natal chart that reveals much about our life journey. In this talk we will explore it's archetypal meaning and also the significance of transits, progressions and directions to it. 

But as we stand on the threshold of collective change with Pluto making its third and final ingress into Aquarius late in 2024, therefore at last leaving Capricorn (phew!), we'll also examine the relevance of the MC/IC axis in letting of the past and moving into new tomorrows....

Bio: Lianne McCafferty D.M.S. Astrol, MAPAI

Lianne holds the Mayo School of Astrology Diploma (Distinction) in both Natal & Mundane and has been one of its tutors for several years. In addition to teaching, consulting, speaking and writing with numerous articles published in the likes of the AA and NCGR Journals, her current research is focused on asteroids and dwarf planets.

An early professional career in scientific research whilst simultaneously competing at a high level in equestrianism brought a choice of one or the other and horses won hands down. This led to a lengthy and successful career as a competitor and coach. After retiring from horses in her late 40's she transitioned into martial arts and achieved Black Belt in Shotokan Karate at the age of 50 so is particularly interested in the use of astrology to help enhance sport performance, but also the benefits of physical activity in general. 

Intuitive and empathetic, Lianne integrates an analytical mind and many years of coaching and mentoring experience to provide a sensitive but affirming experience to everyone she works with.





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